Kansas State University's Diverse Mass Communicators was founded by K-State Student, Sheila Ellis, in hopes to remedy decades of issues with diversity coverage in the student newspaper. She and a group of eight students and  K-State professors, Sam Mwangi and Kim Baltrip, decided to create a student organization that would promote diversity in the student media as well as recruit and retain minority reporters.

In the Spring of 2008 the Collegian staff had more than 10 minorities, on staff covering all aspects of the campus -- a first in the paper's 112-year history.

In October of 2007, DMC became an official organization under the Office of Student Activities and Services, Office of Diversity and School of Journalism.

Read more about our start

DMC Scholars 

At the 2008 Journalism School Awards Banquet. Left to Right. Yvonne Ramirez, Sheila Ellis and Clifford Watkins, all received scholarships. Not pictured: Deborah Muhwezi.
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